Purefaith Annual Party 2019

Happy Ending Of 2018. Hello 2019! We recently celebrated the annual party 2019, now we wish a happy CNY to all our family, friend customers. Thanks for your great support and kindess. Wish you a prosperous 2019.
Happy Ending Of 2018. Hello 2019! We recently celebrated the annual party 2019, now we wish a happy CNY to all our family, friend customers. Thanks for your great support and kindess. Wish you a prosperous 2019.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’d like to extend our warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season and would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
During the General Assembly last Monday, we reviewed the documents relating to the Company’s Culture and Values, which will now be orientated as follows: 企业宗旨:制造完美产品,铸造永恒品牌Enterprise Purpose: Manufacture Perfect Products, Establish Everlasting Brand 企业精神:锲而不舍、不断创新、锐意进取Enterprise Spirit: Perseverance, Innovation and Aggression 企业愿景:做国内一流,国际知名椅配企业;Enterprise Vision:…